We are a small family business

Mom, dad and two amazing daughters share the fun, joys and chores around the farm.

With love and consideration, environmentally friendly Alpaca livestock.

Shopping for yarn turned into a crazy idea – Raising Alpacas and having an endless supply of yarn!

I discovered these lovely animals had been in Canada for almost 20 years and that people were raising them for their fiber. 

Everything started in 2012 while watching a kid’s TV show.  They were talking about Alpacas and the exceptional quality of their fiber.  Having been a knitter since I was very young, I started searching the Internet to see where I could get Alpaca yarn.

Looking for yarn, I found the beautiful animals that produce it, fell in love and soon, we were embarking on this wonderful journey ! 

We purchased our first two Alpacas in 2012.  They stayed boarded on different farms while we started looking for agricultural land. 

We found our land in 2013, build our house in 2014 and started building the barn in 2015.  In October 2016, we finally brought our Alpacas (by then we had 13 ! ) to their new home.  July 2017 saw the addition of two more alpacas as we welcomed our first two babies (crias) born on the farm, Romeo and Juliette.  In October 2017, we opened our store and our farm to visitors. People can now share our passion and discover these amazing animals as well as the unique quality of their fiber. 

The aproach

We are animal lovers!  Two dogs, one cat and 7 alpacas.  We are using the Camelidynamics approach founded by Marty McGee Bennett.  A kind, efficient, safe and science based approach to training and managing alpacas. A collection of methods that represent the most positive , animal oriented techniques for training alpacas.

The sustainability

Our farm is situated on 18 acres of land, 4 acres being pasture where our animals can freely roam. Pasture rotation is used to keep the land from overgrazing and minimize parasite count. Alpacas don’t over-eat (even though you would think some of ours have !) and utilize forage very efficiently.  They hence require much less than other ruminants. An average alpaca will eat one small bale of hay per week!

Our Team

Geneviève Rousseau


Marc Charron


Gabrielle Rousseau-Charron


Éliane Rousseau-Charron


Talk to us

Please send us questions or share with us thoughts you may have.  


1594 route 105, Chelsea,
QC, J9B1P4



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© Copyright. Tous droits réservés/All rights reserved Alpacas Chelsea.